In the morning, your group departs from Athens International Airport «El.Venizelos» to Bucharest.Our flight arrives in Bucharest International after roughly 2 hours. Next, the group departs by bus to the town of Sinaia which is located in the Carpathian Mounts.The sightseeing tour of the famous Peles and Pelisor Castles, and this of Sinaia Abbey comes next. Finally , you set off for Brasov town where you stay overnight. Some free time is available for more tour activities.
2nd Day: Brasov-Targu Neamt
Your group departs from the town of Brasov to the Neamt county. You make a visit to Petru Voda, Neamt,Agapia and Secu Monasteries which they stand out for their unique architectural design, the special hagiography and contribution in history. You stay overnight in the town Targu Neamt, county of Neamt.
3rd Day:Targu Neamt – Gura Humorului
Your group departs from the Targu Neamt town and you go on your tour in the Neamt County. After visiting Sihastria Monastery we keep on travelling to the destinations of village Sulcevita and Gura Humorului town.Both towns belong to Suceava and to Moldava County respectively.
The monasteries Dragomina, Sucevita, Moldovita, Putna, Voronet come next in the tour-day-program. They are special for the hagiographies which decorate their exterior walls. You stay overnight in Gura Humorului town.
4th Day:Gura Humorului-Iasi-Bucharest
Your group departs from Gura Humorului town (Suceava County) to Iasi city of Iasi County which is part of the historic Moldova .In Iasi city, you make a pilgrimage visit at the church of Saint Paraskevi (from Epivates village of Thrace) and the church of Three Hierarchs which is located right after. You set off on Bucharest where you stay overnight.
5rd Day: Bucharest
On Sunday, You visit the Patriarchate in Bucurest and take part in the Liturgy at the church of Patriarchate.The tour moves on by visiting the museums «the house of people» and «the museum of the village», the lake Herastrau and other sightseeing.
In the end, you move towards your last destination, the international airport of Bucharest where the flight departs at 20.45 and arrives at the international airport «El.Venizelos» of Athens, at 22.20